Brooks Tactical Systems was born back in 1992 from our desire to provide superior products that answer specific needs not adequately answered in the past. One of our first "inventions" was, in fact, what is now commonly referred to as "smart gun technology". Prototypes were made and a patent application was begun. After eventually coming to the realization that the technology, no matter how reliable it might be, would never really be accepted by those intended to use it, even the way we had it set up; we shelved it. Interestingly, after we shelved the product; the US Government through the Clinton administration gave away a huge load of tax payer dollars to a couple of different large corporations to figure it out...not a penny to we laughed at how they would fail; they failed. Though, we did figure out where the technology could be applied...but to this day; keep our mouths shut. Hint; it's not in a gun... and we are totally against using such technology in guns...for all the right reasons. "AGrip™" our flag-ship product, was born out of the deep thought that comes (or should come) after surviving numerous fights, including gun fights, riots, wars, etc. The survivor of those fights decided he needed to come up with a much better way of gaining, maintaining control, and keeping, a big plastic 10mm handgun under control at all times without it slipping in the hand at all. An idea popped into his head and he went to work trying different combinations of things... suddenly the realization occurred that a real solution had been found... and was "in hand". After a little gloating; he realized that others might like to have this solution as well. "AGrip™" was born. Brooks placed the first ad to "Get AGrip!™" in Petersons "Handguns" magazine...and the orders for to get AGrip™ started coming in. From there it was on to the SOF Convention (Soldier Of Fortune Convention) and the SHOT Show (Shooting Hunting and Outdoors Trade Show). As time went on he "instigated" the awesomely successful product and company, quite well known, now, as "Magpul". Brooks didn't invent the "Magpul"; he lit the spark that made it come alive and blew on it giving it direction and a little flare...same with another company known as "Double Tap Ammunition"...and several others... including many successful gun and accessory dealers. Brooks has many more new products in the works, like a super easy new iron sighting system, and a new holster system, among others...we'll see if we can get them to market.
We are dedicated to designing and manufacturing specific equipment that outperforms all other products available for similar purposes.
Our products are field tested by those most qualified... Military and Law Enforcement Training Instructors, Tactical Teams and Champion Competition Shooters. Testing is always done under tougher conditions than normal.
We and our customers have found our products outperform all competitors.
As for our Customer Service, just ask our customers...
Click on the "Crossfire, Letters to Guns" image and read what one customer thinks. This is a reprint of an article printed in "GUNS" magazine August 1997.
Please be sure to also check out our "Customer Comments" section!

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